- Escuela Alternativa Katitawa, Salasaca, Ecuador

English blog and website:

French website:

Katitawa School is an alternative bilingual (Spanish-Quichua) elementary school in the rural indigenous village of Salasaca.
Children aged between two and 12 come to the school in Tungurahua province. The school sits in the hills above Salasaca, with breathtaking views of the volcanoes Chimborazo and Carihuairazo. We also run a library in Salasaca, where young people can read, be read to, learn computer skills, and participate in arts projects and summer schools. Volunteers from all over the world contribute to these projects, teaching English, Math, and Music, running the library, and lending hands to everything from fence building to puppet theatre.

Sumak Kawsay Yachay (SKY) is a privately-funded Ecuadorian foundation committed to assisting and supporting educational programs throughout the country.

- Kokopelli (Association)
Site en français:

Kokopelli est une association qui distribue des semences issues de l'agriculture biologique et biodynamique dans le but de préserver la biodiversité semencière et potagère.